Marieja van Bragt prepared a workshop especially for Tango dancers. This yoga hour can be a nice transition from the (work) day you had to the tango evening, which you will have this nght.
In this yoga workshop for dancers, we will come to elements that can help deepen your body awareness.
It will cover topics such as:
– building up your posture (foot, knee, pelvis, shoulders, neck),
– torsions,
– breath,
– concentration,
– contrast tension and relaxation.
Through deep contact with yourself, the path is laid towards contact with your dance partner. Marieja invites you to join her on this path and experience what yoga can do for you.
Feel free to come in your tango clothes, (hopefully not very tight, and no shoes) socks are OK, Marieja will adapt the poses to this if possible. We can use the chairs and benches or whoever wants to bring a mat.
Marieja herself thinks yoga on the mat is best.
We end each class with a relaxation that Marieja will inspire, sitting or lying down, whatever you prefer. And then off to the salon!
Cost per workshop: Euro 10,00. To be paid in cash, please.
Date: 3 May 2024 from 19.00h-20.00h.
Please register here or with mail stating “Tipo Tango Yoga” and the date
About Marieja:
After working in education for 13 years, Marieja decided to switch to Yoga and Shiatsu. She followed both yoga and Shiatsu training courses.
She completed the basic yoga course in 1988, but does several refresher courses every year to stay completely up-to-date and give us the best classes and workshops.
She has now run her own yoga school for 35 years with 22 groups per week until her retirement. Now retired, she continues to teach moderately, about 4 yoga groups a week and the resulting free time she devotes to Argentine tango dancing, among other things.
More about Marieja and her yoga school.