On 29 and 30 January 2025, Stefan & Marian’s new courses start on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
It will be a long season.
Therefore, we are offering two series of 8 class weeks over the whole season until the end of May.
Series A: from 29 & 30 January to 19 & 20 March
Series B: from 02 & 03 April to 28 & 29 May (23 & 24 April off due to Easter week).
You can register for A and/or B.
If you register for both series at the same time, there is a discount on the price and you will have the opportunity to make up missed lessons over the whole season.
The structure and format of lessons remains exactly the same with three groups per evening on both Wednesday and Thursday.
The weekly lessons consist of two series of eight evenings, with lessons at three different levels offered on Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 7pm. Classes are taught in Dutch and English. Students who take both series can catch up on missed lessons on both evenings over the whole season – otherwise only within the eight-week series taken.
The programme for both evenings:
19.00 – 20.00 Basic
20.10 – 21.10 Advanced
21.20 – 22.20 Profound
Tuition fees €105 per person for one series or €200 for two series. If you follow a second course in the same season, you will receive a discount of € 30 per person for this one. Students receive a 20% discount.
Single lessons are also possible, price per time € 15,- per person.
Sign up:
For Wednesday classes go to Stefan’s website
For Thursday classes go to Marian’s website