Friday night workshop with Cin Tomino

On 20 September, we may meet Cin(thya) Tomino. Cin is not only a Tango teacher, but also a Pilates and Stretching instructor. She focuses on comfortable dancing with an emphasis on a healthy body. She is also a choreographer and performs at home and abroad.

This Friday evening workshop has technique as its main theme; technique for individual dancers but also for couples in their joint dance and can therefore be followed without a partner but also just with. You do not need to register in advance but it is nice if you announce your coming anyway so that Cin can prepare properly. Registration can be done by mail here.

However, should you decide at the last minute to join this workshop, don’t hesitate, just come unannounced.
The workshop costs 15 euros per person, starts at 7.00pm and lasts until 8.15pm.

More about Cin Tomino:

Born in Argentina, Cin has danced Argentine Tango for over 20 years. She started at eight years old and already in her early Tango years performed frequently and entered competitions and festivals. Eventually, Tango became her profession. In 2012, she joined the Tango dance school in Tokyo, taught in China, Germany, and Portugal, and was named up to three times at the Tango Festival in Mozambique before returning to Argentina in 2018 to establish a cultural center, where she taught and organised Milongas and Festivals. She further taught in Houston, Spain, and Italy.

She participated several times in the World Tango Championship and Metropolitan Cup, reaching the semi-finals more than once both as a follower and leader.

Meanwhile, Cin has settled down in Rotterdam. Here she teaches and performs throughout Europe.