Live muziek
Sunday at Scala with live muziek and Dj Peter Corvo
SCALA Kardinaal de Jongweg 75, 5645EN Eindhoven, NederlandMore information about Orquesta Tipica Tango Pasión click here! First set about 6 pm Second set about 7 pm Free parking Soup and bread available
Tangocafé with dj RobertJan en live music Joe Powers
SCALA Kardinaal de Jongweg 75, 5645EN Eindhoven, NederlandThis tome with live music: Joe Powers. Free parking More information about this performance click here!
25th Jubilee TipoTango live music Típica Roulotte Tango
SCALA Kardinaal de Jongweg 75, 5645EN Eindhoven, Nederland15.00-16.30 receptie 15.00-01.00 (vintage) clothing and shoe fair More information, click here! 16.30-01.00 Upstairs Milonga (trad)DJ’s Greg Demerville and Santiago Onel Downstairs Milonga dj’s Isaac and RobertJan Cake buffet, snacks and appetizers bij our guests. More information about this, click here! Free entrance, free parking For the total program and information, click here!
After party 25th jubilee weekend TipoTango
SCALA Kardinaal de Jongweg 75, 5645EN Eindhoven, Nederland15.00-16.00 concert Tipica Roulotte Tango 16.00-17.00 Workshop with Wim Warman 17.00-22.00 Milonga Dj Vincent Free entrance, free parking For the total program and information, click here!
Free workshop musicality with Wim Warman
SCALA Kardinaal de Jongweg 75, 5645EN Eindhoven, NederlandIn the 25 years of our existence, we have several times enjoyed a musical contribution by Wim Warman, a true virtuoso on the piano. Effortlessly, he conjured up one tango after another from our grand piano. We are therefore very happy that he will be present during our party this year and have asked him … Continue reading "Free workshop musicality with Wim Warman"